Dt: 24 Sep 2011
Yesterday I had the privilege to listen to one of the veterans of our parent organization, Mr.Sudhir Warde .He was invited to speak on the topic 'Creating opportunities within constraints'.
Some of the points that he discussed might be helpful to you as you move ahead in your professional life.
1.Luck alone cannot take you too far. You need to be good enough to make it big.
2.You cannot just sit there and w8 for a big opportunity to transform your professional career.You have to look at every opportunity small or big to make an impression.
3.Hardwork and dedication will eventually be recognized.You need not be depressed if someone fails to identify it for a year.If you are good you wont be ignored for too long.
4. Boss is not always wrong .A tough boss is better than an easy going boss coz he/she will push you to get the maximum of your capabilities.
5.There is no end to learning in the corporate world.The day u say I know all ,may be the last day of your growth.
6.Its important to be a host rather than the guest in your organization. You may rant about your organization inside the org but you must definitely not do that with outsiders.You never paint your family in bad light in public ,do you?
7.Changing ur job doesn't guarantee success.You need to excel in what/where you are doing currently to excel in something else or somewhere else.
8.Dont blame someone else for your lack of success .You are the owner of all good and bad things happening to you.
9.Its important to have a goal in life and pursue that goal with a determined focus.You must revise these goals periodically to assess your progress.
10.While setting your goals its important to know what you want than to yearn for something which others have.You should not spend your hard earned money to get something that you dont want to impress someone whom you do not care for ;-}.
11.Its important that you identify your strengths as you go along in life and try to move in that direction and do a job which you love to do.
12.You must never leave an organization for a bad boss ,bad appraisal etc.You need to evaluate many more factors like colleagues,work profile and satisfaction.Of course a bad appraisal will leave a bitter taste but if there are things that you like about an organization then you must not leave it for a couple of bad things.
13.You must not cling on to the past bad experiences.Crying about someone who had given you grief for too long means giving undue credit to that person who doesnt even deserve it.Just move on .Life is too precious to be lost thinking about the past.
14.Practicing something that you are good at will make you better it.Never be too confident about your craft lest you lose it.
15.You must take good care of your health coz if you do not do so all your other principles go for a toss.
Lastly keep learning from your own as well as others mistakes.Life is too small to make all the mistake so learning from others especially elders is a nice way to gain experience.
This man had amazing sense of humour and had the strength to hold a big audience captive.
That is why I spent some time listening to this person.You must learn from all oldies ;-}.
Yesterday I had the privilege to listen to one of the veterans of our parent organization, Mr.Sudhir Warde .He was invited to speak on the topic 'Creating opportunities within constraints'.
Some of the points that he discussed might be helpful to you as you move ahead in your professional life.
1.Luck alone cannot take you too far. You need to be good enough to make it big.
2.You cannot just sit there and w8 for a big opportunity to transform your professional career.You have to look at every opportunity small or big to make an impression.
3.Hardwork and dedication will eventually be recognized.You need not be depressed if someone fails to identify it for a year.If you are good you wont be ignored for too long.
4. Boss is not always wrong .A tough boss is better than an easy going boss coz he/she will push you to get the maximum of your capabilities.
5.There is no end to learning in the corporate world.The day u say I know all ,may be the last day of your growth.
6.Its important to be a host rather than the guest in your organization. You may rant about your organization inside the org but you must definitely not do that with outsiders.You never paint your family in bad light in public ,do you?
7.Changing ur job doesn't guarantee success.You need to excel in what/where you are doing currently to excel in something else or somewhere else.
8.Dont blame someone else for your lack of success .You are the owner of all good and bad things happening to you.
9.Its important to have a goal in life and pursue that goal with a determined focus.You must revise these goals periodically to assess your progress.
10.While setting your goals its important to know what you want than to yearn for something which others have.You should not spend your hard earned money to get something that you dont want to impress someone whom you do not care for ;-}.
11.Its important that you identify your strengths as you go along in life and try to move in that direction and do a job which you love to do.
12.You must never leave an organization for a bad boss ,bad appraisal etc.You need to evaluate many more factors like colleagues,work profile and satisfaction.Of course a bad appraisal will leave a bitter taste but if there are things that you like about an organization then you must not leave it for a couple of bad things.
13.You must not cling on to the past bad experiences.Crying about someone who had given you grief for too long means giving undue credit to that person who doesnt even deserve it.Just move on .Life is too precious to be lost thinking about the past.
14.Practicing something that you are good at will make you better it.Never be too confident about your craft lest you lose it.
15.You must take good care of your health coz if you do not do so all your other principles go for a toss.
Lastly keep learning from your own as well as others mistakes.Life is too small to make all the mistake so learning from others especially elders is a nice way to gain experience.
This man had amazing sense of humour and had the strength to hold a big audience captive.
That is why I spent some time listening to this person.You must learn from all oldies ;-}.