Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gulmohar Trees - A Visual treat !!!

Dt: 6 June 2015

We have all been waiting for the rains to arrive.Monsoon --  the season of thunderstorms lightnings & heavy rain .Not to mention water clogged roads & slow running public transport.

While everyone has been waiting on the first showers to lower the high day time temperatures,  at times we tend to forget to observe nature surviving & blossoming in very severe weather conditions.

Ideally spring starts in India around Feb -March but I was recently surprised to see some really colorful flowers light up the neighborhood trees in the month of May. May be they had blossomed few months back & I may not have noticed them.Yet they are awesomely beautiful & attractive during the second half of May.

A little research & I realize that these are nothing but the flowers of the Gulmohar tree which have been planted all around our neighbourhood some years back. Gulmohar trees are the ideal choice in India for lining parks gardens & roadsides.

Also it seems that the Gulmohar flowers in May June  &  is a harbinger of monsoons .Its bright colors denote that good times are about to come. (Ache din aane wale hain :p) .The bright colors  ignite life back in people who have been drained out by the long & punishing summers.

Here are some snaps for those who have not experienced it till now

They gradually changed from soft orange to vermilion red ...........

Please share images of the Gulmohar if you see them in your neighbourhood.

Close up Photo Coutesy: (Visit this for a vivid explanation of the white petal which u can see in the last 2 images)

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